
لبنان مار شربل، لبنان ارض القديسين والمكرس للسيدة العذراء

لبنان مار شربل، لبنان ارض القديسين والمكرس للسيدة العذراء، عصيّ على الموت وسيقوم كما قام المخلّص.
كتب الرئيس كميل نمر شمعون، بتاريخ ٩ تشرين الاول ١٩٧٧، بمناسبة اعلان قداسة مار شربل، الآتي:
Le grand événement attendu par plusieurs milliers de Libanais, au Liban même et dans les pays d’immigration, est la canonisation du moine Charbel. Les chrétiens du Liban, les maronites en particulier, sont fiers d’une page glorieuse qui s’inscrit dans leurs traditions, signe de la force de… See more
Lebanon Mar Charbel, Lebanon the land of saints and dedicated to the Virgin Lady, disobey death and will rise as the Savior did.
President Kamil Nimr Shamaoun wrote, dated 9 October 1, 1977, on the occasion of the declaration of the Holiness of Mar Charbel, the following:
The big event awaited by thousands of Lebanese, in Lebanon itself and in immigration countries, is the canonization of monk Charbel. Lebanon’s Christians, the Maronites in particular, pride themselves on a glorious page that chants into their traditions, a sign of the strength of their spiritual life and international radiance.
This event is not only natural to lift their spirits after the bloody ordeal they have just endured, but it could also restore the moral place they have occupied throughout history, while their image could have been tarnished by the atrocious propaganda of their enemies.
Thousands of Maronites are already in Rome and all TVs are robbed this morning on St. Peter’s Church in the Vatican. The president of the republic, the government
and Parliament was represented by mixed delegations of Christians and Muslims to symbolize, on this happy day, the spirit of national unity. The Holy Father took the opportunity, so often missed, to show his affection to Lebanon. His Holiness addressed his prayers to the new saint asking him to intercede before God in
in favor of the Maronite Church, the Lebanese and Lebanon, so that this country can bear its wounds, find the way that leads to
a lasting and total peace.